Have you used Outlook on the web and wondered what short cuts you have available to you? Well here is a selection of them:
Working from Online Outlook Email
- [N] Creating a new Message (yes it is hard to believe just N)
- [Shift + Enter] Opening the message you have your cursor on
- [Ctrl + R] Reply to send of the message
- [Ctrl + Shift + R] Reply to all on the message
- [Ctrl + Shift + F] Forward a message
- [Alt + Q] Use search
- [Ctrl +Shift +2] Go to the calendar section
Working from your Online Calendar
- [N] Create a new calendar item
- [Shift +Alt +1] switch to todays view
- [Shift +Alt +2] switch to work week view
- [Shift +Alt +3] switch to full week view
- [Ctrl +Shift +1] Go to the email section